Part Time CFO/Controller Services in Dallas, TX
CFOs for CFO responsibilities, controllers for controllerships
There are two scenarios that facilitate the use of this service:
- Companies at a transitional stage where they need CFO/Controller guidance and expertise but not to the extent that warrants adding a permanent employee;
- Companies transitioning to new personnel.
To accommodate scenario 1, we work on an “as needed” basis dependent upon your specific situation and resources, typically ranging from one or two days a week to a few days a quarter..
To accommodate scenario 2, we work on a daily basis to ensure continuity of accounting/finance operations or, when appropriate, until the ship is righted. In either event, we assist in recruiting, interviewing, and training replacement personnel.
CFO/Controller skill sets are critical to your company’s survival. They must be consistently applied by qualified professionals to ensure continued growth and profitability.

The ability to manage day-to-day operations is important, but the ability to understand the impact of today’s decisions on an interdepartmental basis and company wide in the long-term is critical. Effective strategic planning requires wisdom and a combination of experience and feel. The process defines company goals and the means to achieve them.
Our associates have the wisdom necessary to step-in and take charge immediately and smoothly. They are adept at learning a new business and its nuances and working with existing staff to maintain esprit de corps. You are free to devote more attention to your business when the finance function is professionally managed.
Industries served include: wholesale distribution, manufacturing, retail, construction, real estate, oil and gas, consumer finance, professional practices, printing, and technology.